Elapsed Time Between Application and Appointment
March 01, 2016
State of the Superintendency

About a third of sitting superintendents indicate it took one to six months between the time they formally began applying for their first superintendency and their appointment to the position. About 10 percent said the process took 1-2 years.
AASA’s mid-decade update on the state of the profession revealed little difference between male and female applicants in the elapsed time of a search. Nearly a third of females in the survey appeared to have been recruited as candidates without
actively seeking the position, while only about a quarter of the males experienced the same situation. This finding suggests yet another indicator that the career path to the superintendency appears to differ by gender.
“Study of the American Superintendent: 2015 Mid-Decade Update” published by AASA.
Analysis was constructed by Leslie A. Finnan, Robert S. McCord, Christopher C. Stream, T.C. Mattocks, George G. Petersen and Noelle M. Ellerson.