Courage and Its Connection to Trust

Type: Article
Topics: Communications & Public Relations, School Administrator Magazine

March 31, 2023


Possibly more than at any point in our nation’s history, every decision today’s school leaders make elicits a political response. From allowing students’ school-day protests of human rights issues to requiring face coverings during a global pandemic, superintendents navigate rugged terrain each day, and the decisions they make almost certainly will be met with criticism from one faction or another.

In his research on highly effective leaders, Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, identified courage in the form of professional willpower as one of two required characteristics of the most competent leaders.

No doubt, this is true of school leaders. With their decisions debated, dissected and analyzed publicly, superintendents face a unique level of accountability, and they are pushed to demonstrate courage in various situations. Doing so is made easier when they use strategies that promote consistency and communication.

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Andrew Dolloff


Yarmouth, Maine



