CALL TO ACTION: Submit comments on the proposed updates to the school nutrition standards.

Type: Sample/Template
Topics: Advocacy & Policy, Health & Wellness, School Nutrition

March 15, 2023

Appears in

On February 3, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released a proposal to update the school nutrition standards to align with the 2020 Dietary Guidelines. Most notably, the standards propose changes to sodium, milk, whole grains and, for the first time ever, added sugars. See a full summary of the proposed changes here.

It is critical that USDA hears the superintendent perspective on how these standards will impact their districts. ÂÜÀòÍøhas drafted a template letter for district leaders to submit comments on the proposal. 

Once you're ready to submit your comments to the Department of Agriculture, follow the steps below. The deadline to submit comments has been extended to May 10. 


First you will need
Step 1

to go to the webpage to submit your comments on the nutrition standards. Make sure the link you have opened and are submitting comments to has this title above:

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Step 2

Begin typing your comments on the proposed updates to the nutrition standards. We encourage you to include what you see as an improvement as well as what you think may be challenging to implement. Then, select your comment category, or who you are/represent (i.e. School Administrator, LEA, Tribal Organization, etc.) from the drop-down menu.

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Step 3

Attach any additional files you would like to add to your comments. You can include written letters, district/state data, etc. Here again is our Nutrition Template Letter that we created for your convenience to sign and submit.


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Step 4

Enter your email address and fill out the "Tell us about yourself!" portion of the comments form. You can submit your comments as an individual, on behalf of your district or anonymously.

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Step 5

Click on the "Submit Comment" button at the bottom.


If you are having difficulties, please email Tara Thomas at



