Board Members’ Pursuit of Information

Type: Article
Topics: Board Relations, School Administrator Magazine

June 01, 2024


You’ve no doubt been asked as a superintendent to respond to requests for information from board of education members, perhaps as organic as within a public discussion during a board meeting or as specific as a query from one member with a particular interest.

Topics arising during discussion are ones you might anticipate — and be prepared to review with all. But what about the unanticipated: the e-mail that arrives asking for information from you or school district staff?

What may seem like simple curiosity to a board member actually may create serious time-off-task for you or staff members. The temptation to be frustrated by the request is real. However, there is opportunity here as well.

In the absence of facts, we make some up. It’s a human trait. We seek meaning. We fill in the blanks, many times on a foundation of limited knowledge, inaccurate social media posts, community comments or what our own experience tells us to expect. Rather than leave the meaning making to others, here’s a chance not only to inform but perhaps to create an advocate who will share the true story with others.

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