A Framework for Cohesive School Improvement
September 01, 2022
Integrating School Improvement Plans, Evidence Use, and Resources
Many school educators struggle to reconcile the onslaught of mandatory and competing, top-down policies. Educators must merge policies into a singular plan that reflects the local stakeholders’ goals and values.
Given the federal and state accountability movement, schools are forced to build capacity around the use of on-site data and research literature to study if interventions are improving outcomes. For capacity building and to implement reform, schools must have the appropriate resources and understand how to distribute them equitably. Therefore, available resources and their distribution must be tracked alongside the progress of interventions.
The purpose of this evidence-based practice article is to integrate these discrete areas of research literature into a framework that educators can follow for cohesive school improvement.
Gul Nahar, PhD
Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Center for Educational Development and Research
Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK
Angela Urick,
Associate Professor
Department of Educational Leadership
School of Education
Baylor University
Waco, TX
Stephanie M. Wescoup, MEd
PhD Candidate
Counseling Psychology
New Mexico State University
Cruces, NM
Chang Sung Jang, MEd
PhD Candidate
Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Casey J. Cascio, PhD
Research Analyst
Institutional Research and Planning
University of North Carolina, Wilmington
Wilmington, NC
Shelly K. Unsicker-Durham, MEd
Graduate Research Assistant
PhD Candidate
Instructional Leadership & Academic Curriculum