USED Report: State and District Use of Title II, Part A Funds in 2021–22
August 17, 2023
The Department of Education has shared their new report , with information collected annually through surveys of both State and local educational agencies (LEAs) to determine how States and districts use Title II, Part A program funds. This report highlights ways in which States and LEAs reported using Title II, Part A funds to support education job recruitment strategies during the 2021-22 school year. This includes LEAs deploying $1 billion to support professional development; $330 million for recruitment, hiring, and retention efforts; and $247 million for reducing class sizes, which can improve educators’ working conditions and support more individual and small group instruction for students.
Through , the Department’s call to action to transform P-12 education, the Department is working to eliminate the educator shortage at every public school. Thanks to resources from the American Rescue Plan, communities have recovered 84 percent of education jobs lost during the pandemic. The Department will continue its efforts to address these shortages, which disproportionately impact students of color, students with disabilities, and English learners.
In fiscal year 2023, States and LEAs received $2.19 billion in Title II, Part A funds that can be strategically deployed to support ongoing professional learning; recruitment, retention, and advancement of educators; and class size reduction. These investments can help reduce educator shortages while also promoting the success of our students, supporting both their academic recovery and overall well-being.
For additional information on these strategies, including federal grants, please visit .