USED Releases Final Notice of Requirements
June 07, 2022
Last week, USED to grantees announcing the Notice of Final Requirements (NFR) regarding the LEA-level maintenance of equity provisions under section 2004(C) of the American Rescue Plan. The NFR establishes requirements for SEAs to publish LEA-level maintenance of equity data to demonstrate that LEAs are maintaining both fiscal and staffing equity in fiscal years 2022 and 2023.
The Office of State and Grantee Relations will host an Office Hour on Thursday, June 9, 2022, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 pm EDT to outline the local maintenance of equity reporting requirements stated in the NFR and answer frequently asked questions from the field. Both SEAs and LEAs are welcome to attend. Attendees must pre-register for the Office Hour by clicking this link: .
If you have any questions, contact your State program officer through your State mailbox, (Ex.