The Advocate July 2024: What to Expect at the AASA/ASBO Legislative Advocacy Conference

July 02, 2024

This month's edition of the Advocate is all of the fun legislative policy you can look forward to when you join us in DC next week from July 9 - 11 for the AASA/ASBO Legislative Advocacy Conference!

July 9

  • Josh Cowen, professor of education policy at Michigan State University will kick us off and be speaking about school privatization and the voucher movement.
  • We have a Hill panel featuring staffers on Capitol Hill who will join us to share why they partner with superintendents on advocacy and how to make an impact.
  • Robert Gordon, deputy assistant to the President for economic mobility at The White House will join ÂÜÀòÍøexecutive director David R. Schuler for a fireside chat.
  • Fellow superintendents and school business officials will join a panel about why they are passionate advocates at the federal level and sharing tips and tricks to take back to your district.
  • Your AASA/ASBO Advocacy team will prep you for everything you need to know for our Wednesday Hill Day.

July 10

  • Our Congressional Breakfast kicks off bright and early featuring invited members of Congress and the Administration to share comments on education and their priorities for the future.
  • Hill Day will commence after the breakfast, and attendees will venture to their respective meetings.
  • Presidential Installation will take place that evening, welcoming the new ÂÜÀòÍøPresident Gustavo Balderas, with reception to follow.

July 11

  • Holly McIntush and Kendra Yoch from Thompson & Horton LLP will take us through the regulatory craziness earlier this year and everything attendees need to know.
  • Our State of AI Policy panel will get you up to date on everything AI-related from a federal, state and local perspective.
  • Maggie Cicco, research fellow with the Edunomics Lab at Georgetown University will close us out with an update on school finances and trends to watch for the coming school year.