Learn Without Limits: Fully Launched!
November 15, 2023
FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel announced her three-part Learn Without Limits initiative over the summer, a three-part proposal that builds on the Chairwoman’s career legacy as a tireless advocate for connectivity for students. LWL would allow E-Rate dollars to be used for Wi-Fi on buses, would allow E-Rate dollars to be used to connect internet devices for students at home, and would create a new $200 million, 3-year pilot using Universal Service Funds to address cybersecurity needs in districts. Last month the FCC voted for Wi-Fi on buses, a function that districts can apply for in the FY2024 window, set to open in January. The remaining two pieces are now also officially in motion, with the formal proposal (a regulation, or notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) appearing in the federal register this month. NOW is the time to respond to the proposal; ÂÜÀòÍøwill file detailed remarks in response to both the hotspot and cybersecurity rules, and we will provide a template response for you to work with.
Read the FCC press release on , , and .