How School Leaders Can Help Families Claim the Expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC) During the Back-to-School Period

July 29, 2022

Schools can help spread the word about the expanded CTC, which provides up to $3,600 per child. Unfortunately, millions of kids are at risk of missing out- disproportionately Black and Latino children, and children in low-income households. You can help point families to  where they can claim this money on their own before mid-November. 

The back-to-school period provides the perfect opportunity to spread the word about the CTC by:

  • Including  in “welcome back” resources at the start of the school year 
  • Sending texts, emails and/or robocalls to families in your district, using  in multiple languages

You can find additional ready-to-use, multilingual resources on this  from the Coalition on Human Needs and Partnership for America's Children. Want to learn more about the CTC and how schools can help families claim it? Check out  featuring district leaders. Please reach out if you have questions, want support with outreach in your district, or would like a unique URL for to help you track your outreach impact: Julia Beebe, CTC Outreach Coordinator with the Coalition on Human Needs & Partnership for America’s Children,