Guest Post: IES Resources for Supporting Student Engagement and Attendance
October 01, 2024
This blog is cross posted with permission from IES (April 2024).
The United States is facing a chronic absenteeism crisis. nationwide during the 2021–22 school year were chronically absent. This means that they missed at least 10 percent of school days—equivalent to approximately 18 days in the year. Missing this much instructional time creates significant learning challenges for students and adversely affects student wellbeing. School systems across the nation are looking for ways to address this crisis and the accompanying problems it presents.
IES has created four handouts that discuss research findings and research-based tools from across IES that educators and policymakers can use to improve student attendance and engagement:
These resources from IES can help educators and policymakers consider different research-based approaches to improving student engagement and attendance. They include ways to partner with families, promote a positive and safe learning environment, use data and early warning systems, and apply cycles of evidence-based continuous improvement. Before selecting any particular strategy to address chronic absenteeism, we recommend all educators consult . Educators can also go to the on the IES website to learn more about the program and .
We hope you find these resources helpful. Please send any feedback or questions you may have to