FCC Releases Back-to-School Emergency Broadband Benefit Outreach Toolkit
October 18, 2021
August 23, 2021
Students are returning to school for a new year and whether classes are remote, in-person, or a hybrid this fall everyone needs internet access to succeed.
To help promote the Emergency Broadband Benefit as a tool for the coming school year, the FCC has added new back-to-school themed materials to the EBB . New materials include school posters, bookmarks, handouts and Pell Grant and school lunch and breakfast program specific flyers. Additional social media posts and images have also been added.
The FCC hopes that universities and K-12 schools will use these items to notify their communities about this important program designed to help eligible households get, or stay, connected.
The new materials are available in English and in . They also include Tribal specific flyers to promote the increased monthly benefit available to eligible households on qualifying Tribal lands. If you have questions about any of the materials please contact broadbandbenefit@fcc.gov.
The Emergency Broadband Benefit program allows eligible households to enroll through an approved provider or by visiting . To learn more about the program or to become a partner visit .