ED Releases ESSER II Liquidation Template
May 11, 2023
On Friday, ED on the late liquidation process for ESSER II. It reiterates that districts can have additional time — up to 14 months — to spend down their ESSER dollars through the late liquidation application process. The deadline to spend ESSER II funding is September 30, 2023. If your district would benefit from more time, you should reach out to your State Education Agency now so they can begin the process of collecting documentation from you on what additional time you need.
Regarding liquidation extensions for ESSER III — also known as the American Rescue Plan — the guidance only says, “The Department strongly encourages States and local educational agencies (LEAs) and other subgrantees to obligate and liquidate ARP Act funds with urgency for activities that support students’ academic recovery and mental health.” continues to press ED to share more information on when ARP liquidation will be available and what the process will look like.