Dept of Ed Seeking Recommendations for Nominees to Serve Regional Agency Committees for Educational Needs
April 28, 2023
Secretary Cardona is seeking recommendations for nominees to serve on Regional Advisory Committees, (RACs) authorized by section 206 of the Educational Technical Assistance Act (ETAA). The Secretary is establishing the RACs to collect information on the education needs of each region and how those needs may be addressed through technical assistance activities provided by Comprehensive Centers, as described in section 203 of the ETAA. There will be one RAC for each region served by the Regional Educational Laboratories (RELs) as noted in the enclosure to this letter.
Overview of Comprehensive Centers and RACs
The ETAA supports the establishment of to provide evidence-based training, professional development, and technical assistance to State educational agencies (SEAs), local educational agencies (LEAs), regional educational agencies, and schools in the region where the center is located. Centers disseminate information, reports, and publications, and provide direct services that assist State and local education agencies in identifying, implementing, and sustaining effective practices for improving academic achievement, closing achievement gaps, and encouraging and sustaining school improvement. Centers work in coordination with other technical assistance providers funded by the U.S. Department of Education, including the Institute of Education Sciences’ RELs and other centers across the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services.
In 2019, the Department established 19 Regional Comprehensive Centers and one National Comprehensive Center through five-year grants. The Department anticipates establishing new Comprehensive Centers in 2024 through a competitive grant process. In preparation for the competition, the Secretary will, through the RACs, seek input from you and other education stakeholders regarding the education needs of your region. Each RAC will submit a report to the Secretary with an assessment of education needs, including an analysis of the needs of the region and how the Comprehensive Centers would most effectively address those needs. Each RAC will be terminated after submission of its report to the Secretary.
Request for Nominations
The Secretary requests nominations of individuals within states who may serve as effective representatives who can speak to the educational needs within regions in any of the following categories, as defined by section 206(b)(2) of the ETAA:
LEA representatives, including rural and urban LEAs;
Practicing educators, including classroom teachers, school principals, other school administrators, school board members, and other local school officials;
- Institutions of higher education, including university-based education research and university-based research on subjects other than education;
- Business representatives; and
- Researchers.
Nominations may be submitted to following the instructions in the “ADDRESSES” section of the published in the Federal Register on April 11, 2023. The deadline for nominations is May 11, 2023. For more details regarding the RACs and the nomination process, please consult the Request for nominations.
Nomination information will be used to evaluate, select, and appoint individuals for membership on the RACs. The Department anticipates making appointments and convening the RACs later this calendar year. Once the RAC members are confirmed, we will connect you with the RAC serving your region to seek your input in the needs assessment process.
Please contact the Office of Program and Grantee Support Services staff at with any questions.