COVID-19 Testing in K-12: A “How To” Webinar

January 20, 2022

Join the U.S. Department of Education for a webinar to help schools and districts start or strengthen their school-based COVID-19 testing program, with participants including the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), The Rockefeller Foundation and others.
This will be an opportunity to ask questions and hear directly technical experts and school and district leaders who are regularly testing, including around:
  1. Why is testing in schools important?
  2. What should I know before I start?
  3. What are some resources that can help me get started?
  4. What is Test to Stay and how are other schools doing it?
USED will offer this webinar on Fridays, January 21, 28 and February 4 from 1:30-2:30 p.m. EST. There will be a Q&A session for 20 minutes afterwards for those with additional questions. 
Register for the webinar .
Last week, the Biden-Harris Administration and released additional resources to increase COVID-19 testing in schools: