Congress Nears Final FY23 Appropriations Package

December 22, 2022

Federal fiscal year 2023 started on October 1, runs through September 30, 2023, and includes federal dollars that will be in your schools for the 23-24 school year. Congress did not complete its funding work on time this year and avoided a shutdown by passing a continuing resolution (CR) that ended on December 16 before passing a second CR that runs through tomorrow, December 23. That means Congress has to act by Dec 23 to avoid a shutdown, and at this point, it appears they have a package to do so. If all goes according to plan (We’ll update if there are any amendments tacked on!), here’s what you need to know:


  • OVERALL FUNDING: $1.7 trillion package, provides the military with $858 billion for the current fiscal year, a nearly 10 percent boost over current levels. The massive measure would fund domestic programs at more than $772 billion, including nearly $119 billion, or a 22 percent increase, for veterans’ medical care. The measure also includes $45 billion in emergency aid to Ukraine, exceeding President Joe Biden’s $37 billion request, and $40 billion in disaster assistance for storm and wildfire recovery. ; .
    • USED, overall, is funded at $79.6 b (increase of $3.2 b). 
    • For K12 and special education, the bill , an increase of $2.4 billion over the fiscal year 2022 enacted level. Within the K12 funding, it includes:
      • $3.2 b increase for USED to $79.6 b
      • $18.4 b Title I (+$2.4 b)
      • $15.5 b to IDEA (+ $934 m)
      • $1. 6 b Impact Aid (+ $61 m)
      • $1.3 b for Title IV (+$100 m)
      • $1.43 b for CTE (+$50 m)
      • $215 m for REAP (+$20 m)
    • Other Education Items
      • The bill does NOT include two student/child privacy related provisions that ÂÜÀòÍøwas concerned with. We are pleased to have the opportunity for a more transparent and inclusive discourse on this topic in the 118th Congress.
      • Emergency Connectivity Funding is NOT included, meaning the devices schools are currently providing to students and staff for internet access in home will go dark in 2023. We will resume our advocacy on this topic in the 118th. 
      • For early childhood, the bill includes a 30% increase for the Childcare Development Block Grant (to $8.02 b) and an 8.6% increase for Head Start (to $11.99 b)
      • The bill continues funding for the DC voucher program, allows new students to enter the program, does not extend/reauthorize the program, and does not require participating schools to comply with non-discrimination language. 
      • School Meals: The US Department of Agriculture provision includes extension of Summer EBT ($40/month for students Directly certified, FRPL, or at risk) and permanent, non-congregate for rural areas (rural to be defined by USDA). Also includes $30 m for school kitchen equipment and $3 m for school bfast expansion grants