Biden Admin Shares Timeline for Upcoming Regs-Guidance
October 15, 2021
June 23, 2021
On Tuesday, the Biden Administration released its , which reports on the actions administrative agencies plan to issue in the near and long term. Of note, the Administration stated they did not anticipate a new proposed Title IX regulation until May 2022. This means that the DeVos Title IX reg will be on the books for the entire 2021-2022 school year and given how long the comment period and comment review will be likely for the 2022-2023 school year. In addition, the Administration announced it would be releasing regulations on the $800 million earmarked in ARP to support homeless students. The Education Department says its rules for the program will apply to three-quarters of the funding and will focus on the formula that state education agencies use to provide subgrants to local school districts. Another regulation will seek to clarify the definition of “education records.” The rule would also attempt to clarify “provisions regarding disclosures to comply with a judicial order or subpoena” as it pertains to FERPA.