Back to School: Supporting Educational Environments Free from Discrimination: A Resource Collection for Elementary and Secondary Schools

October 18, 2021

October 6, 2021

The Office for Civil Rights recently released two resource collections—or virtual “resource binders”—to assist elementary schools, secondary schools, and postsecondary institutions in supporting a successful and equitable school year. Especially at this back-to-school time, we encourage you to read and share and .

These valuable and informative resources contain fact sheets, Q&As, letters to educators and school leaders, and other materials about institutions’ responsibilities to provide educational environments free from discrimination under the federal civil rights laws enforced by OCR.

The collection is organized into sections focused on 1) race, color, and national origin discrimination; 2) discrimination based on disability; 3) sex discrimination; and 4) the Civil Rights Data Collection.

More on these resources on the !