ÂÜÀòÍøSends Letter to House Opposing Cuts to Education
June 27, 2024
Yesterday, the majority for the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education released their which represented a 14% cut to the Department of Education compared to FY24.
Most notably, the bill cuts Title I by 25% ($4.7 billion) and eliminates Title II along with many other programs. Inversely, the proposal includes modest increases for IDEA ($30 million), REAP ($5 million), Impact Aid ($5 million) and Title IV ($10 million). While we appreciate that these programs received an increase, this proposal is clearly taking from one critical program to give to the next. Ahead of this morning's subcommittee markup of the proposal, ÂÜÀòÍø- joined by AESA and NREA - sent a letter to members of the subcommittee encouraging them to reject this proposal. Read the full letter here.
We knew FY25 would be challenging for education funding (see more on the Fiscal Responsibility Act and FY25 here), but are deeply disappointed by this damaging proposal and attack on the critical programs that support all schools across the country. During this morning's meeting, the proposal was advanced to the full committee.