ÂÜÀòÍøSends Congressional Letter on Debt Ceiling Vote

May 31, 2023

Today, ÂÜÀòÍøsent a letter to Congress regarding the bipartisan agreement to raise the debt ceiling. We write to express our support for Congressional action to raise the debt ceiling.

We understand the importance of fiscal restraint and responsibility and mindful accountability around debt and deficit. We do not support, however, conflating these conversations with the necessary duty of raising of America’s debt ceiling and believe it should be lifted cleanly and immediately. While our official preference is for a clean debt ceiling vote, we know that policy is not derived in a vacuum, and we commend Congressional and White House leaders for stepping up to the plate to avoid breaching the debt ceiling.

We urge Congress to act expediently to pass the Bipartisan Budget Agreement and to ensure the nation does not breach its debt ceiling.

You can read our full comments in the letter here.