ÂÜÀòÍøFiles Amicus Brief in Carson v. Makin
November 01, 2021
Today, ÂÜÀòÍøwas proud to join NSBA and other education groups in before the Supreme Court in the case Carson v Makin. This case presents a question of vital importance to school superintendents: whether the free public education available to all residents by their local school boards must include the option of a pervasively religious education or whether innovative methods of providing a secular public education that are necessitated by local district circumstances may lawfully exclude the sectarian alternative. We are not expected to succeed in the case, so the question of how far beyond last year’s Espinoza ruling the Court chooses to go is of greater importance. There is the potential for this case to impact the ability of private religious schools to be eligible for state formula funding as well as other funding that has been traditionally limited to public schools.
You can read about the case .