ÂÜÀòÍøAsks Congress to Protect Education Funding in FY24 Appropriations
February 08, 2024
Congress is (finally) making progress towards finalizing Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 appropriations. Last week, leadership announced that they had come to an agreement for funding levels for each spending bill - meaning the top line for Labor-Health and Human Services-Education (LHHS) has been set.
Today, ÂÜÀòÍøled a letter to LHHS subcommittee urging them to protect federal education investments. Additionally, we strongly supported the prioritization of critical federal formula programs that are the backbone of our nation's education system. The letter was cosigned by Association of Educational Service Agencies; Association of School Business Officials International; National Rural Education Association and National Association for Pupil Transportation. Read the full letter here.