ÂÜÀòÍøAsks Congress to Invest in $3 Billion Title II, Part A
April 22, 2022
On April 21, AASA joined 51 education organizations in asking Congress to invest in retaining and recruiting teachers, principals and other school leaders by providing $3 billion in FY23 appropriations for the Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants program – Title II, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
These investments help bolster the infrastructure districts rely on to recruit high-quality educators and provide them with job-embedded practice, mentoring, and coaching opportunities that sustain them in their careers.
Title II, Part A is a critical support for the growth and development of educators’ instructional practice to improve their teaching and ultimately boost student learning. Unfortunately, the program remains severely underfunded and demand for services provided by it has only increased. A larger investment in Title II, Part A will help accelerate student learning, provide support through professional learning to keep educators in the profession, and recruit new individuals into the educator workforce. Read the full letter here.