ÂÜÀòÍøand 18 other National Education Groups Urge Passage of FY21 Budget Reconciliation Package
October 15, 2021
February 23, 2021
Earlier today, 19 national education groups sent a joint letter to Congressional leadership expressing their support for the American Rescue Plan that would appropriate $128 billion in new, flexible funds for school districts over the next two-and-a-half school years. This funding will enable school districts to sustain and enhance their support for students learning remotely as well as ensure schools open for in-person instruction have healthy, welcoming environments throughout the calendar year.
Groups supporting the letter include:
- American Federation of School Administrators
- American Federation of Teachers
- American School Counselor Association
- Association of Educational Service Agencies
- Association of Latino School Administrators
- Association of School Business Officials International
- Council of Administrators of Special Education
- Council of Great City Schools
- National Association of Elementary School Principals
- National Association of School Psychologists
- National Association of Secondary School Principals
- National Association of State Boards of Education
- National Association of State Directors of Special Education
- National Education Association
- National PTA
- National Rural Education Advocacy Consortium
- National Rural Education Association
- National School Boards Association