4 National Rural Education Groups Support WiFi on Wheels

October 19, 2023

David R. Schuler, executive director of AASA, , was honored to sign onto a joint statement from four national rural education associations supporting today’s FCC vote on Wi-Fi on Wheels proposal.  
“We are proud to support the Wi-Fi on Wheels proposal being considered today by the Federal Communications Commission.  
“We commend Chairwoman Rosenworcel for her continued leadership on this initiative and E-Rate. We strongly support this proposal, and we urge the FCC commissioners to vote ‘YES’ on the proposal today.” 

Joining David Schuler were the following educational organizations:

John Forkenbrock, Executive Director, Organizations Concerned with Rural Education  
Robert Mahaffey, Executive Director, Rural School & Community Trust 
Allen Pratt, Executive Director, National Rural Education Association
David R. Schuler, Executive Director, AASA,   

Heather Zellers, Chair, National Rural Education Advocacy Consortium 

You can check out our full press release here.