September 2022: School Administrator

September 2022 School Administrator Cover
Pause, Reflect, Plan: Regaining Focus on Mission

This issue examines how education leaders can regain focus on their missions.


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Editor's Note

Recognizing the Contributions of Colleagues Past

I’ve been thinking a lot in recent months about the multi-faceted support our magazine’s editorial assistants have played during my 33 years at School Administrator. We were saddened by the deaths of two of our valuable past contributors, Dorothy Mulligan and Kristin Hubing, just three days apart in mid-summer.

These dedicated colleagues are among the unsung stalwarts who manage the steering of the various editorial and production systems that enable the print and digital versions of our magazine to come out shining and on schedule each month. Editorial assistants dutifully respond to members’ questions (sometimes having nothing to do with a publication) and attend to lots of little details that make a big difference, such as factual accuracy. They enable those of us whose names sit atop the masthead – that would be me as the editor and Liz Griffin as managing editor – proud to work here.

This essential role is being performed now by Jacqueline Hyman, a former news reporter, who joined as senior editorial assistant in March 2020, about a week before moved into remote mode because of the COVID-19 pandemic. She’s not allowed the minimal face-to-face opportunities to inhibit her quick learning and smart, thorough contributions for the past 2½ years.

Dorothy, who died at age 97, had joined us as a part-timer in her “retirement” after working in the communications office with the Alexandria, Va., Public Schools. The self-help guide she created two decades ago for outside contributors, “Editing Yourself,” remains a valued resource on the magazine’s website.

Kristin, who was only 39 when she died of pancreatic cancer, brought a keen spirit to our workplace from the day we hired her in 2014. She composed numerous member profiles and sharpened our monthly processes, never backing off an opportunity to question the editor about a more efficient way to proceed. Since leaving us, she was making her mark as managing editor of a journal serving hematologists.

I thank you for allowing me to use this space to indulge in reminiscing about a couple of individuals whose names you may not often have seen yet who played such a vital role in our successes.

Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator

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