October 2016: School Administrator


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Editor's Note

The Advocacy Front

When an educator moves into a superintendency for the first time, one of the starker realities deals with political forces that constantly buffet public education. Exactly how you are supposed to keep your schools sailing smoothly into those strong head winds is something you don’t necessarily pick up in a graduate program or experience in other K-12 roles.

That sets the stage for this month’s theme on the eve of the next presidential election: The politically savvy superintendent and legislative advocacy. For well-informed insights and advice, we’ve turned to authoritative voices in education and advocacy.

Steve Joel, in his 32nd year as a superintendent, has encountered his share of harmful political forces. Fortunately for his colleagues in the profession and for us at AASA, he’s willingly shared many times over the years what he’s learned from these difficult situations. His latest piece for School Administrator, “Lessons in Political Readiness,” demonstrates again how a savvy school system leader refortifies the enterprise in pursuit of students’ best interests.

You’ll also find useful insights in the articles penned here by Jack Jennings, an observer of Congress’ work in education for a generation; Michael Fitzpatrick and Joan Wade, a pair of superintendents long active on the legislative front; and Noelle Ellerson, who heads up AASA’s public policy team.

We hope this coverage leaves you better prepared — and even fired up — to assume this increasingly important leadership responsibility.

Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator

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