November 2024: School Administrator


Additional Articles


Editor's Note
Keeping Tabs on Fluid Fare

For any periodical covering education, probably the most challenging subject to address at this moment is that of artificial intelligence. The subject is so fluid and evolving that it’s impossible to be fully current when committing coverage to print.

We’ve tried our best in this issue to share practical insights and considerations on some facets of AI that may be more timeless in nature. That means you’ll find articles about writing effective AI policies, determining age-appropriate uses and how professional development can help implement AI tools.

We’re also looking at how artificial intelligence has applications in typical school district operations and why AI makes the study of media literacy that much more timely and essential.

Undoubtedly, we will be revisiting this subject before long in School Administrator. We hope you’ll let us know what aspects would be most valuable down the line.

Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator

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