March 2025: School Administrator

Additional Articles
The AI-Savvy Leader
Developing a holistic vision and communicating it will dictate whether the organization’s adoption of artificial intelligence will be effective.
The Proliferation of Superintendent Prep
Increasingly, non-university training is readying aspiring school system leaders for dealing with the constant of change.
Superintendent Attrition
Superintendent transition rates differ markedly from state to state.
Plowing Under a Land Acknowledgment
Addressing a complaint lodged against a teacher who starts her class with a statement about the Indigenous ownership of the property on which her students sit.
Student Records and Subpoenas: It’s All Latin to Me!
Decoding the legalities of responding to court-ordered requests for official records.
The Opportunity of Superintendent Evaluation
Creating clear and fair practices for how the school board will evaluate its CEO.
Taylor Swift’s Masterclass: Lessons in Leadership for Us
At a recent concert of the pop megastar, this superintendent was left with remarkable discoveries on how to transform others.
Curbs and Ramps
The perspective of a superintendent and father on inclusivity through the experiences of a son with intellectual disabilities.
When to Stick to the Plan — and When to Pivot
Switching gears in education leadership between technical and adaptive styles.
Future-Driven Leadership Means Acting Now
AASA’s elected leader on reinventing the education system through strong strategies.
The Best Week of the Year
Experiencing the positive energy and sense of fellowship that accompanies AASA’s national conference each year.
His Sweet Spot When Aiming at Everything
Candler County, Ga.’s superintendent sets high expectations for everyone, including himself.
Editor's Note
Looking Ahead by Looking Back
As the lead contributor to our theme issue on future-driven education leadership, Bill Daggett justifiably reaches back in time in opening his article “Translating 21st-Century Trends into Action.”
long has been a forward-thinking purveyor of leadership practices, as Daggett acknowledges by referencing the work of the late futurist Gary Marx, who spent the last two decades of the 20th century positioning this association to influence the forceful trends that public schooling would be confronting.
In the 1999 report that he shepherded, “Preparing Schools and School Systems for the 21st Century,” Marx convened a Council of 21 (whose honorary chair was John Glenn) to identify the characteristics of schools and school systems “capable of preparing students for a global knowledge information age.” Daggett’s work in the years since has used that as a launching platform.
Complementing his work in this issue are the thoughtful articles by a trio of forward-looking superintendents: Mark Bedell of Anne Arundel County, Md.; Michael Matsuda of Anaheim, Calif.; and Jerry Almendarez of Santa Ana, Calif.
If their stories elicit any strong reactions in your minds, please feel free to share them with the editor. We’d love to know to better plan this publication’s future.
Jay P. GoldmanEditor, School Administrator
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