March 2017: School Administrator


Additional Articles


Editor's Note

Presidential Prerogative

Since launched School Administrator as a two-sided newsletter in October 1943, the association’s president has been expected to communicate with members through a periodic column. The President’s Corner gained greater visibility when the publication transitioned to a glossy magazine in January 1981.

Every president decides how to use this launching pad to exercise his or her voice. Alton L. Frailey of Katy, Texas, president in 2016-17, has concentrated his attention on the role of community in the success of the public school, an advocacy concept he titled “Communities 4 Schools.” His piece this month, written in the weeks leading up to transition in the White House, anticipates a market-fixated federal agenda.

Over the years, personal technology has simplified our handling of President’s Corner. In my tenure’s early days here, presidents had to send us their monthly editorials by mail or FAX machine so we could retype them on AASA’s first-generation computer system. One memorable president refused to waste time while on the road for business — so he’d mail me his hand-scrawled column on 8-10 consecutive pages of his hotel’s bedside note pad.

Whatever it takes, we’re pleased to provide this important platform for the leadership of the nation’s longest-running school leadership organization.

Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator

