Leading Social-Emotional Learning in Districts and Schools

A Handbook for Superintendents and Other District Leaders
Published April 2022
This book will provide educational leaders a comprehensive set of suggestions, recommendations, and resources related to leading the implementation process for social-emotional learning. We begin with an exploration of the meaning of social and emotional learning—and the various operational definitions currently in use among leading educators and SEL-related organizations. The introductory section of the handbook also reinforces our assertion that SEL and equity are two closely interrelated priorities in education today—perhaps the two singularly most significant priorities we are all facing in our profession. Next, the handbook explores the nature of effective SEL leadership, including priorities for superintendents and other educational leaders, as well as the importance of distributed leadership via networking and the building of communities of practice related to aligning social-emotional learning with student health, nutrition, and academic progress.
Daniel A. Domenech has served as executive director of the American Association of School Administrators since July 2008. Domenech has more than 36 years of experience in public education, twenty-seven of those years served as a school superintendent.
Morton Sherman has more than 30 years’ administrative experience in raising academic standards, closing achievement gaps, and uniting stakeholders He has served in public education for over 40 years, 25 as a public school superintendent of schools. Now serving as the Associate Executive Director for Leadership Network.
John L. Brown is currently writer-in-residence for AASA, . In that role, Dr. Brown has been responsible for a variety of publications, including The Superintendent’s SEL Toolkit (in partnership with CASEL), six professional development modules on leading social and emotional learning, and a range of case studies. He was also the author of Leading Personalized Learning, a comprehensive professional development on-line course published by and EduPlanet.
Introduction: The Purpose, Design, and Uses of the SEL Superintendents Handbook
Preface: The Critical Relationship Between Equity and Social and Emotional Learning: Leadership in Unprecedented Times
Section One: “Framing the
Message”—The Importance of Social and Emotional Learning in 21st Century Schools
Section Two: Leading Social Emotional Learning—How Can Superintendents Support Students and Staff in Developing and Sustaining SEL Competencies?
Section Three: Leading Social and Emotional Learning in the Virtual World
Section Four: SEL Leadership During Times of Crisis and Upheaval
Section Five: Establishing Your SEL Mission, Vision, and Core Values
Section Six: Reinforcing
Ethics and Professional Norms That Promote SEL
Section Seven: Understanding the Role of SEL in Promoting Equity and Cultural Responsiveness in Schools and Districts
Section Eight: Integrating SEL into Curriculum, Instruction, and
Section Nine: Promoting a Community of Caring and Support for Students Through SEL Implementation
Section Ten: Building SEL Professional Capacity of School Personnel
Section Eleven: Promoting Meaningful Engagement of Families
and Communities in Support of SE
Section Twelve: SEL as a Catalyst for Continuous Improvement and District Transformation
Epilogue: Our Hopes for Your Future Success
Suggested Resources