Fall 2017: Journal of Scholarship and Practice
Additional Articles
A Renewed Call to Action: Update Principal Selection Methods
Many states have committed to adoption of Common Core State Standards, necessitating extensive preparation for both teachers and students
Federal Education Policy and the Expansion of Privatized Choice: A Call for Papers from the Journal of Scholarship & Practice
Secretary DeVos’ Agenda for Choice
Administrators Gaming Test- and Observation-Based Teacher Evaluation Methods: To Conform To or Confront the System
In this commentary, we discuss three types of data manipulations that can occur within teacher evaluation methods: artificial inflation, artificial deflation, and artificial conflation.
Interactions between Teachers’ Attribution for Student Learning and Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices
This study investigated interactions between evidence-based practices implemented and attributions of factors contributing to achievement of student learning objectives.
Excellence vs Equality: Can Society Achieve Both Goals
The book’s subject is timely with a national conversation focused on the income divide as described by such current contrasts as “Wall Street” vs “Main Street”, “1 percent” vs “99 percent”, “Tax Payers” vs “Takers”