December 2024: School Administrator


Additional Articles


Editor's Note
Grading Directions

Student grading and progress reporting have been moving in new directions, some of them promising and some questionable and worthy of reconsideration. This month’s School Administrator touches on both fronts in ways that should matter to school leaders.

Our theme coverage opens with the fledgling use of mastery transcripts for high schoolers, which has a logical connection to school districts’ implementation of Portraits of a Graduate. Key figures involved in both initiatives are among this issue’s contributors.

So, too, is Matt Townsley, the author of several books on standard-based learning and grading, who offers some counsel on what to do when parents or others take public issue with these unfamiliar directions for assessing student learning. A surprising number of litigated cases involving educators’ handling of student grades is yet another focus this month.

Finally, we asked Adam Tyner, the research director of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, to raise relevant questions about practices undertaken in the name of equity grading.

Lots to mull over here, and we hope you’ll send us your reactions.

Jay P. Goldman

Editor, School Administrator

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