April 2018: School Administrator


Additional Articles


A Call for Civil Discourse

School Administrator, April 2018

I learned a new word in the course of researching the subject of this month’s issue: disinhibition. It means a lack of restraint that manifests in a disregard for social conventions, impulsivity and poor risk assessment.

The word was used in an essay to describe the nation’s top elected leader, but I think it aptly applies now to the lack of civil discourse we have witnessed over the past year in all corners. Educators see plenty of evidence of disinhibited behavior, which makes our coverage of civility all the more necessary and timely.

I believe we’ve lined up a fine array of contributors, starting with Julie Hackett, superintendent in Taunton, Mass., and president of her state’s superintendents group. Her year-opening speech to school staff last fall asked them to take a direct role in addressing civility, and in this issue, she expands her call of duty to superintendent colleagues everywhere. Her piece is titled “”

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A heads-up to members: In late April or early May, you can expect to receive in your inbox a readership survey from AASA. It’ll ask you about the magazine as well as your views about social media, e-newsletters and the website. Here’s hoping you’ll take a few minutes to return a completed version to help our planning and budgeting.

Jay P. Goldman

Editor, School Administrator
Voice: 703-875-0745
E-mail: jgoldman@aasa.org

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