April 2018: School Administrator

Civility in Classroom & Community
This issue focuses on Civility in Classroom & Community
Additional Articles
Media Literacy Takes on the Digital Morass
Creating districtwide curricula to help students and their teachers assess the credibility of information on the web
Where Are Our Voices of Reason?
As America debates its identity, school leaders have a responsibility to address the rising uncivil behavior proliferating in our schools.
Changing Challenges
Did the leading issues confronting superintendents change over four years?
Punishing the Harasser ... Or Not?
The superintendent wants to suspend an alleged perpetrator while the district’s attorney calls only for a stern letter of reprimand. How might you proceed?
Infusing Kindness Among Middle Schoolers
THE HEADLINES ARE heartbreaking. Bullying, cyberbullying and, tragically, teen suicide are all on the rise.
Creating a Culture for Excellence in High-Need Schools
The three most important actions we took to create a culture of instructional excellence follow.
The Bright Light of Civility
Psychologist Marilyn Price-Mitchell defines civility as a behavior that “recognizes and puts the interests of the common good above those of self.
Managing Class Conduct Nonverbally
Modifying student behavior begins with teachers.
Our Impact on Civility at the Community Level
We all can recall graphic images of terrorist attacks — some of the most despicable examples of the breakdown of civility in our society.
Practices for Districtwide Digital Citizenship
Two weeks of students’ social media posts lead to gang-related confrontations at a middle school in Santa Ana, Calif.
Analytics to Monitor Your District's Impact
How do you know if your investments in Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are having a payoff? The author's district has a systemic way to gauge.
Teachers and Students Just Can't Be 'Friends'
A set of sensible safeguards to prevent online relationships from crossing the line.
A Call for Civil Discourse
School Administrator, April 2018
The word was used in an essay to describe the nation’s top elected leader, but I think it aptly applies now to the lack of civil discourse we have witnessed over the past year in all corners. Educators see plenty of evidence of disinhibited behavior, which makes our coverage of civility all the more necessary and timely.
I believe we’ve lined up a fine array of contributors, starting with Julie Hackett, superintendent in Taunton, Mass., and president of her state’s superintendents group. Her year-opening speech to school staff last fall asked them to take a direct role in addressing civility, and in this issue, she expands her call of duty to superintendent colleagues everywhere. Her piece is titled “”
Editor, School Administrator
Voice: 703-875-0745
E-mail: jgoldman@aasa.org