K-12 Champions of Career Readiness, Gather in Iowa at AASA’s Redefining Ready! Consortium Meeting

April 21, 2023


James Minichello

Alexandria, Va. – April 21, 2023 – Superintendents and other administrators championing dynamic programs of college and career readiness are gathering in Iowa, April 23-25, as part of AASA, ’s 2023 Spring Meeting. The in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is serving as the host site.

The Redefining Ready! initiative introduces research-based metrics to appropriately assess whether students are ready to pursue their lifelong goals and dreams following post-secondary education.

“One of the greatest opportunities educators have is to plant dreams into the minds of our students and their families and then nurture those dreams to fruition—that is one of the most empowering pieces of the Redefining Ready! work,” said David R. Schuler, executive director, AASA. “We have to prepare students for a world that doesn’t exist and one that we cannot imagine. I applaud the superintendents and other administrators who are convening in Iowa for this important meeting which will provide members with opportunities to share winning strategies on behalf of the students they serve.”

“One of the greatest opportunities educators have is to plant dreams into the minds of our students and their families and then nurture those dreams to fruition—that is one of the most empowering pieces of the Redefining Ready! work,” said David R. Schuler, executive director, AASA.

“Students are more than a test score,” said Douglas Wheeler, superintendent, CCSD. “We have a responsibility to ensure that our high school students are college, career and life ready. District leaders joining us will observe multiple pathways we’re offering at CCSD to students that will provide them with a solid foundation that will benefit their experiences beyond high school graduation. We are honored to serve as host site for this gathering.”

Critical themes throughout the three-day meeting will include:  

  • Education training partnerships with area colleges and businesses
  • Academy and pathway programs for career exploration
  • Supporting transition for students with special needs
  • Celebrating early childhood programming
  • Course imbedded career exploration
  • Workplace learning opportunities outside of school.

School district leaders are encouraged to visit the website for additional information about the .  Superintendents and other educators can also contact Mort Sherman, senior associate executive director, Leadership Network, at msherman@aasa.org, or Debbie Magee, director, Leadership Network, at dmagee@aasa.org.


About AASA
AASA, , founded in 1865, is the professional organization for more than 13,000 educational leaders in the United States and throughout the world. AASA’s mission is to support and develop effective school system leaders who are dedicated to equitable access for all students to the highest quality public education. For more information, visit www.aasa.org.