Application: Aspiring Superintendents Academy® for Latino and Latina Leaders

It was very powerful to ground ourselves in understanding how our culture influences our leadership, as an asset and not as part of a deficit mindset.

Learning from Latino/a leaders who are doing the work allowed me to build my capacity and strengthen my impact to improve outcomes for all students!

Jusmar Rodriguez Maness

Chief Academic Officer, Guilford County Schools (N.C.)

Jusmar Rodriguez Maness

Application: Aspiring Superintendents Academy® for Latino and Latina Leaders

The Aspiring Superintendents Academy® will demystify the position of the school superintendent and provide a blueprint for success in key areas of the role. Through real-world, situational leadership tasks, participants will work collaboratively to prepare themselves to become the future leaders of school districts across the country. Aside from the experiential learning and growth that participants will undergo as a result of their involvement, they will also benefit from expanding their professional networks and interacting with a variety of highly experienced and successful superintendents. 

If you have any questions, please contact ÂÜÀòÍølead superintendent, Gail Pletnick at

* District Type

* District Size

* How did you hear about this academy?

Application Instructions

1. Upload a 2-page resume or curriculum vitae (CV) (PDF's only);
2. Complete all short answer questions;
3. Provide the name and contact information for your district's superintendent.
* Resume or CV Upload

This field is required


* I would like to apply for the Daniel A. Domenech Scholarship, which provides up to $3,500 in financial support to educational leaders who identify as Hispanic and/or Latino/a and are members of AASA. Applications are evaluated based on financial need.

Please indicate why you need financial support to participate; what you intend to do once you complete the Academy; and, how you will use your learnings from the Academy.

Tuition Information:   

If your application is approved, you will be sent a link to register for the program. The tuition fee will be due at the time of registration. To obtain the ÂÜÀòÍømember discount, you must be an ÂÜÀòÍømember at the time of registration. 

Tuition Fee: 

$4,500 for ÂÜÀòÍømembers

$4,800 for non-members of AASA

Not an ÂÜÀòÍømember yet? Learn more about membership and join today!

ÂÜÀòÍøCancellation Policy: 

To receive a refund, cancellation requests must be received in writing no less than 14 days prior to a program start.  Refunds are not granted for failure to attend, late arrival, unattended events or early departure. ÂÜÀòÍøis not responsible for weather related cancellations, airfare, hotel or other costs incurred by attendee that are associated with the program. A $100 processing fee applies to all cancellations.

Please Note: If you hit the submit button and are not taken to a confirmation message, you are missing a required field. Please review the form and fill out all required fields to successfully submit your application.
The most valuable part of the program was connecting with diverse groups of mentors and mentees across the nation who have made themselves available as thought partners. These people had, and will continue to have, a lasting impact on how I think about, and act upon, the challenges we face in education.
Robert Quinones

Director of Leadership & Engagement, Casa Grande Elementary School District (Ariz.)

Robert Quinones