Joy Baskin
As Education Counsel and associate executive director (AED) for Policy and Legal Services, Joy Baskin oversees Legal Services, Policy Service, and Community College Services. She is a staff liaison to the TASB Board of Directors’ Resolutions Committee. She also serves as counsel to TASB’s Legal Assistance Fund and contributes to TASB’s public advocacy through txedINSIGHTS.
Baskin served as director of Legal Services from 2005 to 2022, after working as an attorney in the division for eight years. She is an active member of the School Law Section of the State Bar of Texas, including serving as chair in 2010-11. By appointment of the Texas Supreme Court, Baskin served as a member of the Permanent Judicial Commission for Children, Youth, and Families (Children’s Commission) Education Committee. 
She received her bachelor’s degree with honors from Stetson University in DeLand, Florida. A member of Phi Beta Kappa, Baskin attended Stetson on a Presidential Scholarship and received the faculty’s outstanding graduate award in English. She attended The University of Texas School of Law, from which she received her law degree with honors. 

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