Edwin Quezada
Edwin M. Quezada is the Superintendent of Yonkers Public Schools, the fourth largest school district in New York State, appointed in 2016. Under his tutelage in 2020, Yonkers achieved an on-time graduation rate of 91%, the highest of New York State’s Big 5 City School Districts and the first of this group to achieve over 90%. Additionally, Yonkers continues to close the achievement gaps among all race, gender and subgroups. In 2017, 2018 and 2019, Yonkers achieved the highest on-time graduation rate of New York State’s Big 5 City School Districts annually exceeding 80%.
With 30 years as an educator, he is locally and nationally known for his passion about quality teaching and learning, compassion for children and families and proud of his humble beginnings. Personified by animated dialogue, perpetual motion and thoughtful collegial research, Quezada moves the agenda of public education through compassionate distributive leadership – always engaging the team. Equity and access to academic, social-emotional, and cultural opportunities for every child is a moral imperative that drives Quezada’s work; bookended by his implementation of Yonkers My Brother’s Keeper that is considered a model initiative in New York State and has received significant national accolades and his administrative appointments. He has held positions as a school counselor, human relations facilitator, principal, Deputy Superintendent, and adjunct professor.